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Ubuntu 的下一发行版 Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 的特性已经冻结。至此,Ubuntu 8.10 的开发人员将不再会添加新的特性,软件包以及API。剩下的开发工作都将围绕着这些已经定下来的特性展开。Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 的正式版将在今年10月30号发布。
以下为 Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 一些主要的特性:
Major Features
[LINK] GNOME 2.24.x. (GNOME 2.23.90 development version at the moment.)
[LINK] Nautilus finally has tab support and can now restore from Trash.
[LINK] File-roller (”Archive Manager”) now uses p7zip to extract archives, so it supports ALZ, RZIP, CAB, TAR.7Z now also.
[LINK] Empathy IM client and Hamster time tracker are two new applications that have been accepted into GNOME 2.24 “module suite.”
[TOBE] When you try to log out, shutdown, etc. with (a) program(s) open, a warning pops up stating you must close all applications first.
[LINK] [LINK] Redesigned “Quit…” menu very similar to Mac OS X’s (unlike before which was similar to XP.)
[LINK] [LINK] [LINK] Complete theme overhaul. (With alpha 4, the default theme was switched back to Human(-Murrine.))
[LINK] [LINK] OpenOffice.org 3.0.x with MS Office 2007 new file support.
[LINK] [LINK] [LINK] Linux kernel 2.6.27 images have been prepared and will be uploaded soon to Intrepid.
[LINK] Compiz 0.7.7 development release from Git with tons of new effects.
[LINK] [LINK] [LINK] Network Manager 0.7.x with better network configuring and 3G support.
[LINK] Ability to sign in as Guest via (Fast) User Switcher panel applet.
[LINK] [LINK] Default Adobe Flash 10.x.x.x (RC now) in repos to enhance Flash experience.
[LINK] Improved Jockey (”Hardware Manager”) to additionally download printer drivers when needed.
[LINK] System-cleaner, a new way to clean up cruft from your system (usually) after updating.
[LINK] Official USB installation support for converting ISO CD image files into USB-live compatible files.
[LINK] Ubiquity (Ubuntu installer) layout redesign.
[LINK] An “Automatically sign in” option added at the fifth step of Ubiquity (Ubuntu installer) “Who are you?.”
[LINK] Built-in font-selector for better system-wide font configuration.
[LINK] Secret ~/Private folder to encrypt anything you place into it.
[LINK] X.Org 7.4, still in development, with X Server 1.5 and Mesa 7.1, is included in Intrepid.
Uncertain Features
[LINK] [LINK] [LINK] “Login experience” GDM redesign. (I’ve learned from here that it is called “login experience,” not “face browser.”)
[LINK] Empathy to replace Pidgin if stable enough.
[LINK] GIMP 2.6.x (if released before Intrepid’s feature freeze.)
Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 的正式版将在今年10月30号发布,如果你等不及正式版发布的那天就想尝试一下 Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 的话就请参考《[多图] Ubuntu 8.04 升级到 Ubuntu 8.10 初体验》中的介绍把你的 Ubuntu 8.04 升级到 Ubuntu 8.10

原载: OwnLinux.cn原文标题: Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 特性冻结原文链接:http://www.ownlinux.cn/2008/08/30/ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-feature-freeze/OwnLinux.cn 版权所有,转载时必须以链接形式注明作者和原始出处及本声明。否则,请勿转载!!

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