Ubuntu overlord Mark Shuttleworth announced today that the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, which is expected to arrive in April, will be Jaunty Jackalope. Ubuntu releases are issued every six months and include the latest versions of popular open source software applications. Shuttleworth believes that Ubuntu is ready to compete with Windows and Mac OS X and he expects to see the open source Linux distribution ship on millions of devices in the coming year.
Ubuntu老大Mark Shuttleworth今天宣布Ubuntu 9.04预计将于2009年3月发布,这个版本的代号为“活泼的怀俄明野兔-Jaunty Jackalope”。Ubuntu基本上每六个月就会发布一个包含最新版本的流行开源软件和服务。
Mark Shuttleworth相信目前已经具备了和Windows以及Mac OS X竞争的条件,并且希望明年能够更多的计算机能安装运行Ubuntu Linux。
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